SMP College News Portal follows a strict editorial policy to ensure accuracy, integrity, and reliability in our reporting.
1. Accuracy and Fact-Checking
- All articles are thoroughly researched before publication.
- News is sourced from verified institutions, government bodies, and educational authorities.
- Fact-checking is conducted by our editorial team.
2. Editorial Independence
- We operate independently, without influence from advertisers, political entities, or sponsors.
- Our journalists adhere to ethical journalism practices.
3. Corrections and Updates
- If errors are identified, we promptly correct and update the content.
- Corrections will be noted at the end of the article.
4. Content Guidelines
- No plagiarism, misinformation, or biased reporting.
- All articles are reviewed by senior editors before publication.
- Guest contributions are welcome but must adhere to our editorial standards.
For editorial inquiries, email [email protected].