The results for the KU Degree 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester Exam 2024-25 will be released in February 2025. Candidates who have participated in the exam for Bachelor’s of Science, Commerce, Arts, Business Administration, Computer Application or Vocation should know that the result will be released as a marksheet.
Students who are pursuing undergraduate degree from any affiliated college of the KU, Warangal and took part in the exam held in December 2024 should know that the result will be released at After the release of the result, a direct link to download and check it will be also made available below for convenience of students.
The Kakatiya University, Warangal held the 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester Exams in offline mode, in which a huge number of students across the country have participated. The evaluation process of the answer sheet is likely to be completed within six weeks and then the result as a marksheet will be made available on the respective webportal.
How to check the Kakatiya University Results 2025
The step-by-step instructions to download and check the result for the KU 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester Exam 2025 is available below. Once it is released, you will be able to check it by going through the listed points.
- Go to the official website of the Kakatiya University, Warangal, which is accessible at
- Lookout for an option that reads ‘Result,’ in the header menu-bar, tap on it to make visible the pop-up.
- Now, you will see an option that reads ‘UG (CBCS) I,III,V Semester’s Results Held in December 2023,’ tap on it and go to the result accessing page.
- At the end, you have to enter your Hall Ticket Number and Semester, and hit the Search button to download or view the provisional mark sheet.
Important Links | KU Degree Results 2025 Server 1 (Soon) |
KU Degree Results 2025 Server 2 (Soon) |
Details Available
The results for the KU Degree 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester Exam 2025 will be released as a marksheet; individuals who took part in the exam will be able to check and verify the details available below.
- Student Name
- Roll Number
- Course Name
- Program (e.g., BA, BSc, BCom)
- Year/Semester
- Subject Codes
- Subject Names
- Marks Obtained in Each Subject
- Total Marks
- Maximum Marks
- Grade/Grade Points
- Result Status (Pass/Fail)
- CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average)
- Result Declaration Date
Students who have participated in the 1st, 3rd or 5th Semester Exam for BA, BSc, BCom, BBA, BCA or BVoc should know that the marksheet which is going to be released on the official website of the KU, Warangal will be the provisional one. Students are going to get the physical copy of the result a few days after the online result announcement.
As the result for the odd semester exam held by the KU, Warangal is expected to be released in February 2025, there is a high speculation that the physical copy of the marksheet will be distributed among the students in March 2025. After the release of the result, it is mandatory to collect the marksheet because it is required for further academic purposes.
Passing Criteria
Students who have participated in the 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester Exam held by the Kakatiya University, Warangal should know that to be declared successful in the exam a candidate is required to get 40% score in each paper and as aggregate. The candidate is required to meet the minimum requirement separately for theory and practical, if applicable.
Students who will fail in the KU Degree 1st, 3rd or 5th Semester examination in one or more subject(s) will be able to participate in supply exams. Students should know that this exam will be held in April 2025 with the regular exam or Odd Semesters.